A knowledge sharing community.
When we bought our boat, we scoured the internet for blogs, articles, videos - anything to answer all of our questions. Honestly, we still do. Cruising is full of so many niche problems that may require creative solutions. We aim to share what we’ve learned so whoever adventures might have an easier time finding the answers to their niche problems.
Andy, our resident engineer, inventor, master chef, hiker, and sailor, spent years hiking the Appalachian Trail, travelling through Thailand and Cambodia, and working as a fisherman in Alaska. He’s a one man band that can fix anything from electrical issues to structural design. The only thing he won’t do is plumbing.
Rachel, the plumber of the family, as well as the designer, dancer, painter, and photographer has lived all over the country. She’s quickly learning the ropes (pun intended) of boat life while working full time as an account manager.
Batman, our trusty mascot, has been Rachel’s sidekick since 2015. He’s lived with her in North and South Carolina, Colorado, and now cruises with them on their sailboat. He loves sleeping, eating, and walking outside if the weather is just right.